A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Goals

Well, the new year is upon us and with that comes an idea that I will make myself a better person in 2009. Not that I really dislike who I am, but there is always room for improvement. That being said, here is my list of "goals" for the new year - in no specific order.

1. Have a cleaner house. I would like to keep our house more picked up in general but also get into a routine for cleaning each week.

2. Lose weight. Since having Isaac, this has always been a goal. But this year, it is not only a goal for that dreaded number to go down but just to be healthier all around.

3. 150 layouts. This is a lofty goal, but I really want to try for this especially since I enjoy scrapping so much.

4. Project 365. This will be so fun to look back on all 365 pictures of 2009. I will take a picture each day and scrap/journal about them. I WILL get a book made at the end!

5. Clean out basement. Yeah, we have an unfinished basement. Well, since moving in several years ago it has become a catch-all. We are going to finish it this year so that means I need to get to work.

6. Become a CPC (certified professional coder). I am a medical coder by profession and I am ready to become certified.

7. Keep up on my blog. No explanation needed.

8. Ride in a hot air balloon. I really want to do this. And life is short. This will be the year that I get this done.

9. Date night. My husband and I will have one date night (without the kiddo) per month in 2009.

I know that some of these are lofty goals, but they are just that goals. If we become complacent in our lives, then each year will just pass us by and next thing you know, you are old and gray with all those things you "wish" you would have done. H

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Sure hope that hot air balloon ride originates from the Ridgeway area!